Dr. Magda Tsolaki
Afterwards, she initiated her collaboration with AUTh in 1982 as scientific collaborator and a year later received her specialty as a Neuropsychiatrist and her PhD. She has been a Professor of Neurology since 2010, and currently she was the Head of the 1st University Department of Neurology (2017-2020) where she was committed to her clinical, educational and research work.Since November 2020 she is working also at Euromedica General Clinic. In 2004, she was invited as a visiting professor at the Boston University, Massachusetts, USA. She has founded the Greek Alzheimer Association in 1995 and the Greek Federation of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) in 2007, in which she is up to today the Chair, while also being the scientific director of two Public Dementia Units (founded by her in 2007 and 2009) for outpatients with Neurodegenerative diseases and their caregivers. The last five years she was invited to join as a member the Greek National Observatory for Dementia. She has given more than 656 lectures throughout Greece. She has participated in more than 60 funded research programmes and 31 funded clinical trials. In total, she has received 73 awards. Dr. Magda Tsolaki has been the main author of many Books (60), many abstracts in Greek (531) and International (489) Conferences, she is the first author or co-author in many Papers in Greek (285) and International Journals (506 - 413 in PubMed), (h-index=80 and more than 30.000 Citations in Google Scholar). She has participated as invited speaker in more than 105 meetings-conferences in English and 256 in Greek Language. Furthermore, she has been a reviewer for Conferences and Journals (430) and has organised 27 national and 5 international conferences on AD. Finally, she was one of the three or seven advisory members for 32 doctoral theses-completed.
Dr. Tsolaki is married with four children and ten grandchildren.